Sunday, November 21, 2010

LONDON 2010 - natural history museum - archaeopteryx

LONDON 2010 - natural history museum - archaeopteryx

THE archaeopteryx!!! the first one to ever be found (in solnhofen, germany) and arguably the most controversial fossile in the world - proof for the transition of species just in time to support darwins theory of evolution by natural selection in 1861

Saturday, November 20, 2010

LONDON 2010 - natural history museum - histioteuthis bonellii

Histioteuthis bonellii, the umbrella squid. still alive today (not this particular one who is part of the massive collection of specimens in spirits of the natural history museum)


LONDON 2010 - natural history museum - anomalocaris

Anomalocaris, one of the earliest predators on earth, about 500 million years old. surprisingly this efficient design didn't make it till today

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

LONDON 2010 - natural history museum - megazostrodon

Megazostrodon, a tiny mouse-like creature from the jura - one of the first mammals on earth, about 200 million years old. no idea where the MEGA in its name comes from...